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Imperial Health Chinese Medicine
Dr. Jessica Yu Jun Zhuang (TCM)
Should I eat before Acupuncture?Yes, please make sure you have had some food before coming for an Acupuncture session. We do not recommend you coming in to Acupuncture with an empty stomach.
我可以在常见问题解答中插入图片、视频或 gif 吗?是的。要添加媒体,请按照下列步骤操作: 1.输入应用程序的设置 2。单击“管理常见问题解答”按钮 3。选择您要添加媒体的问题 4.编辑答案时,点击相机、视频或 GIF 图标 5.从您的媒体库中添加媒体。
Is Acupuncture covered by private health insurance?Yes. Acupuncture is covered under all major private health insurance. However whether you are covered and how much it covers depends on your private health fund. Please see your or contact your private health insurance regarding your coverage.
如何添加新的问题和答案?要添加新的常见问题解答,请按照以下步骤操作: 1.单击“管理常见问题解答”按钮 2。从您网站的仪表板,您可以添加、编辑和管理您的所有问题和答案 3。每个问题和答案都应该添加到一个类别中 4.保存并发布。
How often should I come in for Acupuncture?The frequency of treatments depends on each individual and the condition. Usually practitioners would recommend weekly or treatments two to three times a week for the initial stage (first few weeks) of treatment and then once week or fortnightly for the duration of your treatment plan. Once the treatment plan is complete your practitioner may suggest you to continue monthly maintenance treatments.
如何编辑或删除“FAQ”标题?您可以在应用程序的“设置”选项卡中编辑标题。 如果您不想显示标题,只需在“要显示的信息”下禁用标题即可。
How do I prepare the herbs?At Imperial Health we offer 3 forms of herbs which suits all patients needs, our practitioner will suggest which one is most suitable for you. Patent (Pills, Tablet or Liquid) Form - Taken like any regular medication with water. Taken according to instruction usually written on the packaging. Granules Form - They are convenient, clear instructions will be provide by our practitioner and written on you prescription. A measuring spoon will also be provide please use the spoon for accurate the dosage. Scoop out x number of spoons based on your dosage prescribed by your practitioner and mix with some hot or warm water to drink. Raw Herbs - We have raw herbs available, these require more time and effort to cook but are usually more potent and most effective. This is recommended for some patients in the form of Tea or a decoction. For Tea, simply place the herbs in to the tea bags provided if not already, place it in to a tea pot or cup and infuse in hot water for 3 - 5 minutes and drink. For Decoction, our practitioner will provide you with clear details once prescribed and please see blog post on Chinese Medicine Herbal Decoctions.
什么是常见问题解答部分?常见问题解答部分可用于快速回答有关您或您的业务的常见问题,例如“您要运送到哪里?”、“您的营业时间是几点?”或“我如何预订服务?” 这是帮助人们浏览您网站的好方法,甚至可以提升您网站的 SEO。
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